"Where my Skills , meet your vision"

Hey!!! I'm SAHITYA

Web Developer

"As a passionate and dedicated web developer, I specialize in creating dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites. With a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks like React and Vue, I strive to deliver seamless digital experiences. My approach is driven by a love for problem-solving and a commitment to writing clean, efficient code. Whether developing complex applications or optimizing performance, I aim to blend creativity with functionality.

Explore my portfolio to see how I can bring your ideas to life and help elevate your online presence."

Now lets have a look to know something MORE ABOUT ME

I am 2nd year undergrad at HBTU pursuing Btech from INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY branch

Over the past few years, I have developed a deep interest in designing efficient websites and building scalable web applications. As a coding enthusiast, I constantly seek out opportunities to enhance my programming skills through projects and problem-solving challenges. In addition to my love for web development, I am committed to cracking GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) to further my academic journey and secure opportunities for higher education in the field of computer science and technology. I believe that by mastering core subjects and algorithms, I can lay a strong foundation for my career goals. Balancing my studies with my passion for development, I enjoy collaborating with peers on projects and staying updated with the latest trends in technology. I am driven by the desire to innovate and create impactful solutions that can make a difference in the tech world."

Apart from it all i have interest in



Basic RESTAURANT Webpage

    This project involved building a basic restaurant website using HTML and CSS. The webpage was designed to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. It included the following sections:

  • Header: Featured the restaurant's name, image, and a simple navigation menu (Facilities, Menu, About, Contact).
  • About Section: Provided background information about the restaurant, its history, or mission statement.
  • Menu Section: Displayed various food categories
  • Contact Section: Included a form for customers to make reservations or inquiries, along with the restaurant's location
  • Footer: Contained copyright information
  • Tic Tac Toe

    This project is a simple implementation of the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The goal is to create an interactive game where two players (X and O) take turns marking a 3x3 grid, with the objective of getting three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.


  • Game Board: A 3x3 grid created using HTML and styled with CSS. Each cell of the grid can be clicked to place either an "X" or an "O" (depending on whose turn it is).
  • Turn-Based Logic: JavaScript is used to manage player turns, alternating between Player X and Player O after each move. Once a cell is clicked, it cannot be clicked again, and the game will move to the next player.
  • Win Detection: JavaScript checks for a winner after every move by evaluating if any row, column, or diagonal has the same symbol (X or O). If a player wins, a message is displayed announcing the winner.
  • Draw Condition: If all cells are filled and no player has won, the game declares a draw.
  • Game Reset: A reset button allows players to start a new game, resetting the grid and all variables.
  • Styling: The board is designed with simple CSS, with hover effects and styles for active cells. Winner and draw messages are displayed in a visually distinct manner.
  • Rock Paper Scissor

    This project is a web-based implementation of the classic game Stone Paper Scissors (also known as Rock Paper Scissors). The game is played between the user and the computer, where each player selects one of the three options (stone, paper, or scissors), and the winner is determined based on the game rules.


  • Game Interface: A simple user interface with three buttons for "Stone", "Paper", and "Scissors" that the player can click to make their choice.
  • Game Logic: JavaScript is used to compare the player's choice with the computer's choice based on the rules.
  • Score Keeping:The game keeps track of the number of wins, losses, and draws.
  • Result Display: After each round, a message displays whether the player won, lost, or tied, along with both the player's and computer's choices.
  • Random Computer Choice: JavaScript's Math.random() function is used to simulate the computer's choice.
  • Responsive Design: CSS is used to style the buttons, display messages, and score tracker.


    As a dedicated WEB DEVELOPER, I have crafted my resume to reflect my skills, experiences, and accomplishments in the industry. It provides an overview of my professional journey, highlighting key projects, roles, and the value I bring to any team or organization. You can explore my complete resume through the link below to get a detailed insight into my qualifications and expertise."

    Contact Me

    Let's Work Together

    "Feel free to reach out to me for any professional inquiries, collaborations, or opportunities. I'm always open to connecting with like-minded professionals and contributing to exciting projects. Below are the best ways to get in touch with me."


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